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(02/19/2011)    version 3.1

WinConverter is a rather straightforward application which is designed to provide as simple interface as possible for performing conversion. It is a handy utility for students, teachers, and practitioners in engineering, physics, sciences, and technical subjects.
If you find out that WinConverter lacks a unit you need, it's very easy to add your custom unit or category.
WinConverter is pre-configured to convert more than 1500 units in 78 categories.

For further particulars see On-Line Help.

The predefined categories include:
Mass, Length, Time, and Volume. Acceleration - Linear, Area, Data Storage, Data Transfer, Energy, Flow, Force, Numbers, Power, Pressure, Temperature, Velocity, Acceleration - Angular, Angle, Calorific Value, Concentration - Liquid Solution, Concentration - Molar, Density, Digital Image Resolution, Entropy, EU Currency, Flow - Mass, Flow - Molar, Frequency Wavelength, Fuel Efficiency, Heat Capacity, Heat Flux Density, Heat Transfer Coefficient, HVAC Efficiency, Chemical - Henry's Law, Illumination, Illumination - Luminous Intensity, Latent Heat, Luminance, Mass Flux Density, Moment of Inertia, Permeability, Radiation, Radiation - Absorbed Dose, Radiation - Activity, Radiation - Exposure, Sound, Specific Heat, Specific Volume, Surface Tension, Temperature Interval, Thermal Conductivity, Thermal Expansion, Torque, Typography, Velocity - Angular, Viscosity - Dynamic, Viscosity - Kinematic, Volume - Dry, and Volume - Lumber.

Capacitance, Charge, Conductance, Conductivity, Current, Electric Field, Inductance, Linear Current Density, Linear Charge Density, Magnetic Flux, Magnetic Flux Density, Magnetomotive Force, Resistance, Resistivity, Surface Current Density, Surface Charge Density, and Volume Charge Density.

WinConverter is not free of charge. It is distributed as shareware. You can use the fully functional demo for one month. It allows you to try out the program before you pay for it. If you want to use this program after the trial period, please register it. We have spent a lot of time working on this program and more money makes it easier to continue with development of WinConverter!

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